- When I have an early morning start I make the last 20 seconds of my shower ice cold - it's uncomfortable but extremely refreshing and wakes you right up!
- Run a couple of spoons under cold water and pop them in the fridge for a few minutes. Once they're freezing cold hold them on your eyes for thirty or so seconds, it wakes you up and reduces puffiness.
- Highlight the whites of your eyes with eyeshadow/eyeliner. Draw on your inner rim with white eyeliner and dot white eyeshadow on the inner corners of your eyes to emphasise the whites and make them look more awake!
- Illuminate your cheekbones with highlighting cream, also place it below the brow line and on your cupids bow (the centre dip in your upper lip) to brighten complexion.
- Use blush! Keep it simple, apply to the apples of your cheeks and brush towards your hair line
- Opt for a pinky, young lipstick that matches your blush tone - matching blush to lipstick ties your makeup together and always looks pretty
- Apply black eyeliner to your lower rim, all it will do is close your eyes up and emphasise puffiness
- Cake on makeup to hide your tiredness, mix foundation with moisturiser or use BB cream for your complexion to make it glowing and refreshed looking